
  • Muhammad Fani Maulana UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember
  • Abdul Muhit UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember
  • Rusydi Baya' gub UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember

Kata Kunci:

Principal Leadership and Teacher Professionalism Development


Leadership is the most important part of management, but it is not the same as management. Leadership is the ability that a person has to influence other people to work together in achieving goals and targets. The ability to influence other people towards certain predetermined goals is part of a person's indicators in leading. The principal consists of two words head and school, head can mean the chairman or leader in an organization or an institution. Meanwhile, a school is an institution where it is a place to receive and provide lessons. So a school principal is a teacher who has additional duties as a school principal and has several skills include technical skills, human relations, and conceptual skills. Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that school principal leadership is a process carried out by the principal to influence teachers and administrative staff to work to achieve predetermined goals and objectives effectively and Efficient Teacher professional development is defined as an effort made to improve the level or degree of a teacher's profession which concerns the teacher's abilities, both mastery of teaching materials or mastery of teaching methodology, as well as the teacher's professional attitude regarding motivation in carrying out his duties as a teacher both in terms of skills and attitudes towards students. . Research focus: 1) How is the leadership synergy of the principal at Al-Kautsar Sumbersari High School, Srono, Banyuwangi? 2) How is the development of teacher professionalism at Al-kautsar High School, Sumbersari, Srono, Banyuwangi? Research objectives: 1) To describe leadership synergy principals in developing teacher professionalism at Al-Kautsar High School, Sumbersari, Srono, Banyuwangi, 2) To describe the development of teacher professionalism at Al Kautsar High School, Sumbersari, Srono, Banyuwangi. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Determining data sources or research subjects are carried out using triangulation (combined) techniques. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis techniques that will be used are data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. The validity of the data used is source triangulation, triangulation method, time triangulation. This research concluded: 1) The synergy of leadership of the principal at SMA Al-Kautsar Sumbersari, Srono, Banyuwangi includes: a) As a manager, b) As an educational administrator, c) As an educational supervisor.2) Development of teacher professionalism at Al Kautsar Sumbersari High School, Srono, Banyuwangi includes: a) Involving subject teachers in MGMP, b) Involving teachers in training and seminar programs, c) Attending workshops, d) Carrying out comparative studies to other schools.


